Quotes From "Stunned" By Sarah Noffke

Love, deep and pure, it opens my heart. It feels...
Love, deep and pure, it opens my heart. It feels like a magical force, one I’d fight to protect, one I’d die to keep. Sarah Noffke
Regret swallows broken men whole. Acceptance builds them anew. Sarah Noffke
Tears ache in my throat and each time his lips caress mine I’m closer to the dam within me bursting open. He’s undoing me, tearing out my demons with burning strokes of his lips and the salty taste of his mouth. In his arms, I’m changing, becoming anew. Sarah Noffke
I know how it fees to plead. I know how it feels to wish someone would give you a chance to help them. Sarah Noffke
Right now in this space, I feel a brand new pull to him. I’ve always been drawn to his features, his brilliance, his laughter, his passion. But right now I’m attracted to his pain. It makes him human. It makes him real. It makes him something he hardly ever is to me: accessible. Sarah Noffke
Not the way he looks, but specifically the way he looks at me threatens my inhibitions. It’s all greedy yearning. Sarah Noffke
One of the many reasons I love libraries. Everyone is lost and not wanting to be found in a library. Sarah Noffke
Millions of pages cloaked in dust and inspiration and wisdom. Sarah Noffke